Svensk översättning för full album pack?

Frågor kring översättning av phpBB 2.0.x och dess MODdar.

Moderatorer: Moderatorgrupp, Supportgrupp, Översättningsgrupp

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Inlägg: 145
Blev medlem: 2005-09-20 00:05
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Svensk översättning för full album pack?

Inlägg av houser »

Svensk översättning för full album pack

Finns det en sådan?

Janne A.
Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 4321
Blev medlem: 2004-01-07 22:12
Svar: 0
Ort: Skövde

Inlägg av Marcus »

Det generella svaret är att oftast finns översättningar på samma sida som där du hittar din MOD.

Någon förteckning över vilka MODdar som har svenska översättningar har jag inte sett till.

Vilken den MOD du pratar om vet jag inte på rak arm. Länk?

Marcus Farrington - Administratör på phpBB Sverige
OBS! På förekommen anledning ges ingen support via PM.

Webb- & Drupalutvecklare på Webbyrå Grebban.
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Inlägg: 145
Blev medlem: 2005-09-20 00:05
Svar: 0

Inlägg av houser »

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 4321
Blev medlem: 2004-01-07 22:12
Svar: 0
Ort: Skövde

Inlägg av Marcus »

Ser att det står Smartor där... och den delen han gjort finns det svenska filer till.

Marcus Farrington - Administratör på phpBB Sverige
OBS! På förekommen anledning ges ingen support via PM.

Webb- & Drupalutvecklare på Webbyrå Grebban.
Extra aktiv medlem
Extra aktiv medlem
Inlägg: 145
Blev medlem: 2005-09-20 00:05
Svar: 0

Inlägg av houser »

Ja, men det är endast en del av språkfilen som hör till Smartor's, den har jag. Resten är andra moddar som sytts ihop till detta pack.
NEdan är det som skall översättas om någon känner igen detta.
Första delen verkar vara smartor's, men den stämmer inte med min svenska fil för detta i alla fall.



Kod: Markera allt

 *                          lang_album_main.php [English]
 *                              -------------------
 *     begin                : Sunday, February 02, 2003
 *     copyright            : (C) 2003 Smartor
 *     email                :
 *     $Id: lang_album_main.php,v 1.0.6 2003/03/05 20:12:38 ngoctu Exp $

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

// Album Index
$lang['Photo_Album'] = 'Photo Album';
$lang['Pics'] = 'Pics';
$lang['Last_Pic'] = 'Last Pic';
$lang['Public_Categories'] = 'Public Categories';
$lang['No_Pics'] = 'No Pics';
$lang['Users_Personal_Galleries'] = 'Users Personal Galleries';
$lang['Your_Personal_Gallery'] = 'Your Personal Gallery';
$lang['Recent_Public_Pics'] = 'Recent Public Pics';
$lang['Nav_Separator'] = '&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;';

// Category View
$lang['Category_not_exist'] = 'This category does not exist';
$lang['Upload_Pic'] = 'Upload Pic';
$lang['Upload_Pics'] = 'Upload Pics';
$lang['Pic_Title'] = 'Pic Title';
$lang['View'] = 'View';
$lang['Pic_Poster'] = 'Poster';
$lang['Pic_Image'] = 'Image';

$lang['Album_upload_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> upload new pics in this category';
$lang['Album_upload_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> upload new pics in this category';
$lang['Album_rate_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> rate pics in this category';
$lang['Album_rate_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> rate pics in this category';
$lang['Album_comment_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> post comments to pics in this category';
$lang['Album_comment_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> post comments to pics in this category';
$lang['Album_edit_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> edit your pics and comments in this category';
$lang['Album_edit_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> edit your pics and comments in this category';
$lang['Album_delete_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> delete your pics and comments in this category';
$lang['Album_delete_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> delete your pics and comments in this category';
$lang['Album_moderate_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> %smoderate%s this category';

$lang['Edit_pic'] = 'Edit';
$lang['Delete_pic'] = 'Delete';
$lang['Rating'] = 'Rating';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Comments';
$lang['Last_Comment'] = 'Last Comment';
$lang['New_Comment'] = 'New Comment';
$lang['Not_rated'] = '<i>Not Rated</i>';
$lang['Random_Pictures'] = 'Random Pictures';
$lang['Highest_Rated_Pictures'] = 'Highest Rated Pictures';
$lang['Most_Viewed_Pictures'] = 'Most Viewed Pictures';

$lang['Avatar_Set'] = 'Set as Avatar';
$lang['BBCode_Copy'] = 'Copy BBCode';

// Upload
$lang['Pic_Desc'] = 'Pic Description';
$lang['Plain_text_only'] = 'Plain text only';
$lang['Max_length'] = 'Max length (bytes)';
$lang['Upload_pic_from_machine'] = 'Upload a pic from your machine';
$lang['Upload_to_Category'] = 'Upload to Category';
$lang['Upload_thumbnail_from_machine'] = 'Upload its thumbnail from your machine (must be the same type with your pic)';
$lang['Upload_thumbnail'] = 'Upload a thumbnail image';
$lang['Upload_thumbnail_explain'] = 'It must be of the same file type as your picture';
$lang['Thumbnail_size'] = 'Thumbnail size (pixel)';
$lang['Filetype_and_thumbtype_do_not_match'] = 'Your pic and your thumbnail must be the same type';

$lang['Upload_no_title'] = 'You must enter a title for your pic';
$lang['Upload_no_file'] = 'You must enter your path and your filename';
$lang['Desc_too_long'] = 'Your description is too long';

$lang['JPG_allowed'] = 'Allowed to upload JPG files';
$lang['PNG_allowed'] = 'Allowed to upload PNG files';
$lang['GIF_allowed'] = 'Allowed to upload GIF files';

$lang['Album_reached_quota'] = 'This category has reached the quota of pics. Now you cannot upload any more. Please contact the administrators for more information';
$lang['User_reached_pics_quota'] = 'You have reached your quota of pics. Now you cannot upload any more. Please contact the administrators for more information';

$lang['No_valid_category_selected'] = 'No valid album category selected';
$lang['No_category_to_upload'] = 'Unfortunately currently there are no categories you can upload to.';
$lang['Not_allowed_file_type'] = 'Your file type is not allowed';
$lang['Upload_image_size_too_big'] = 'Your image dimension size is too large';
$lang['Upload_thumbnail_size_too_big'] = 'Your thumbnail dimension size is too large';

$lang['Missed_pic_title'] = 'You must enter your pic title';

$lang['Click_return_category'] = 'Click %shere%s to return to the category';
$lang['Click_return_album_index'] = 'Click %shere%s to return to the Album Index';

$lang['Add_File'] = 'Add File';
$lang['File_thumbnail_count_mismatch'] = 'The number of uploaded pictures and thumbnails doesn\'t match';
$lang['No_thumbnail_for_picture_found'] = 'There was no thumbnail found for the uploaded picture (named: %s)';
$lang['No_picture_for_thumbnail_found'] = 'There was no picture found for the uploaded thumbnail (named: %s)';
$lang['Unknown_file_and_thumbnail_error_mismatch'] = 'Uknown error got raised when uploading the picture and thumbnail<br />Picture named: %s and Thumbnail named: %s<br />';
$lang['Picture_exceeded_maximum_size_INI'] = 'Picture named \'%s\' is too big. Picture is skipped.<br />';
$lang['Thumbnail_exceeded_maximum_size_INI'] = 'Thumbnail named \'%s\' is too big. Picture and thubmnail are skipped.<br />';
$lang['Execution_time_exceeded_skipping'] = 'The maximum time alllowed for script execution has been exceeded. The following files was skipped:<br />';
$lang['Skipping_uploaded_picture_file'] = '%s<br/>';
$lang['Skipping_uploaded_picture_and_thumbnail_file'] = '%s (thumbnail: %s)<br/>';
$lang['Album_upload_not_successful'] = 'None of your pictures has been uploaded successfully<br/><br/>';
$lang['Album_upload_partially_successful'] = 'Only a part of your pictures has been uploaded successfully<br/><br/>';
$lang['No_pictures_selected_for_upload'] = 'No pictures selected for upload or unknow error';

//$lang['Bad_upload_file_size'] = 'Your uploaded file is too large or corrupted';
//$lang['Album_upload_successful'] = 'Your pic has been uploaded successfully';
//$lang['Album_upload_need_approval'] = 'Your pic has been uploaded successfully.<br /><br />But the feature Pic Approval has been enabled so your pic must be approved by a administrator or a moderator before posting';

$lang['Bad_upload'] = 'Bad upload';
$lang['Bad_upload_file_size'] = 'Your uploaded file (%s) is too large or corrupted';
$lang['Album_upload_successful'] = 'Your picture(s) has been uploaded successfully';
$lang['Album_upload_need_approval'] = 'Your picture(s) has been uploaded successfully.<br /><br />But the feature Pic Approval has been enabled so your pic must be approved by a administrator or a moderator before posting.';

$lang['Rotation'] = 'Rotate (Anti-Clockwise) - Degrees';

$lang['Max_file_size'] = 'Maximum file size (bytes)';
$lang['Max_width'] = 'Maximum image width before recompression (pixel)';
$lang['Max_height'] = 'Maximum image height before recompression (pixel)';

// Album Nuffload
$lang['time_elapsed'] = 'Time Elapsed';
$lang['time_remaining'] = 'Time Remaining';
$lang['upload_in_progress'] = 'Upload In Progress';
$lang['please_wait'] = 'Please Wait...';
$lang['uploaded'] = 'Uploaded %multi_id% of %multi_max% images.';
$lang['no_file_received'] = 'No image file received';
$lang['no_thumbnail_file_received'] = 'No thumbnail file received';
$lang['file_too_big'] = 'Image file size too big';
$lang['thumbnail_too_big'] = 'Thumbnail file size too big';
$lang['image_res_too_high'] = 'Image resolution too high';
$lang['add_field'] = 'Add file upload field';
$lang['remove_field'] = 'Remove file upload field';
$lang['ZIP_allowed'] = 'Allowed to upload ZIP files';

// View Pic
$lang['Pic_ID'] = 'ID';
$lang['Pic_Details'] = 'Image Details';
$lang['Pic_Size'] = 'Size';
$lang['Pic_Type'] = 'Image Type';
$lang['Pic_BBCode'] = 'BBCode';
$lang['Pic_not_exist'] = 'This pic does not exist';
$lang['Click_enlarge'] = 'Click on image to view larger image';
$lang['Prev_Pic'] = 'View Previous Picture';
$lang['Next_Pic'] = 'View Next Picture';
$lang['Slideshow'] = 'Slide Show';
$lang['Slideshow_Delay'] = 'Slide Show Delay';
$lang['Slideshow_On'] = 'Slide Show';
$lang['Slideshow_Off'] = 'Stop Slide Show';
$lang['Pics_Nav'] = 'Pictures Navigation';
$lang['Pics_Nav_Next'] = 'Next Pictures';
$lang['Pics_Nav_Prev'] = 'Previous Pictures';

// Edit Pic
$lang['Edit_Pic_Info'] = 'Edit Pic Information';
$lang['Pics_updated_successfully'] = 'Your pic information has been updated successfully';

// Delete Pic
$lang['Album_delete_confirm'] = 'Are you sure to delete these pic(s)?';
$lang['Pics_deleted_successfully'] = 'These pic(s) have been deleted successfully';

// ModCP
$lang['Approval'] = 'Approval';
$lang['Approve'] = 'Approve';
$lang['Unapprove'] = 'Unapprove';
$lang['Status'] = 'Status';
$lang['Locked'] = 'Locked';
$lang['Not_approved'] = 'Not approved';
$lang['Approved'] = 'Approved';
$lang['Move_to_Category'] = 'Move to Category';
$lang['Pics_moved_successfully'] = 'Your pic(s) have been moved successfully';
$lang['Pics_locked_successfully'] = 'Your pic(s) have been locked successfully';
$lang['Pics_unlocked_successfully'] = 'Your pic(s) have been unlocked successfully';
$lang['Pics_approved_successfully'] = 'Your pic(s) have been approved successfully';
$lang['Pics_unapproved_successfully'] = 'Your pic(s) have been unapproved successfully';

// Rate
$lang['Current_Rating'] = 'Current Rating';
$lang['Please_Rate_It'] = 'Please Rate It';
$lang['Login_To_Vote'] = 'Please Login To Vote';
$lang['Already_rated'] = 'You have already rated this pic';
$lang['Album_rate_successfully'] = 'Your pic has been rated successfully.';
$lang['Click_rate_more'] = 'Click %shere%s to rate more pictures.';

// Comment
$lang['Comment_no_text'] = 'Please enter your comment';
$lang['Comment_too_long'] = 'Your comment is too long';
$lang['Comment_delete_confirm'] = 'Are you sure to delete this comment?';
$lang['Pic_Locked'] = 'Sorry, this pic was locked. So you cannot post comment for this pic anymore';
$lang['Post_your_comment'] = 'Please Enter Your Comment!';

// Personal Gallery
$lang['Personal_Gallery_Explain'] = 'You can view the personal galleries of other members by clicking on the link in their profiles';
$lang['Personal_gallery_not_created'] = 'The personal gallery of %s has not been created';
$lang['Not_allowed_to_create_personal_gallery'] = 'Sorry, the administrators of this board donot allowed you to create your personal gallery';
$lang['Click_return_personal_gallery'] = 'Click %shere%s to return to the personal gallery';

// Download Archive
$lang['Download_pics'] = 'Download Pics (ZIP)';
$lang['Download_page'] = 'Download Pics In This Page (ZIP)';
$lang['No_Download_auth'] = 'You are not authorized to archive photos from this album!';

// Email Notification
$lang['Email_Notification'] = 'Album Email Notification';
$lang['Email_Notification_Explain'] = 'This setting allow admins to receive a notification when a new picture is posted in the album';
$lang['Approvation_OK'] = 'Approved';
$lang['Approvation_NO'] = 'To Be Approved';

// Album Hierarchy Index Table
$lang['Last_Comment'] = 'Last Comment';
$lang['Last_Comments'] = 'Last Comments';
$lang['No_Comment_Info'] = 'No Comments';
$lang['No_Pictures_In_Cat']= 'No Pictures In Category';
$lang['Total_Pics'] = 'Total Pics';
$lang['Total_Comments'] = 'Total Comments';
$lang['Last_Index_Thumbnail'] = 'Last Pic';
$lang['One_Sub_Total_Pics'] = '%d Pic';
$lang['Multiple_Sub_Total_Pics'] = '%d Pics';
$lang['Album_sub_categories'] = 'Sub Categories';
$lang['No_Public_Galleries'] = 'No Public Galleries';
$lang['One_new_picture'] = '%d new picture';
$lang['Multiple_new_pictures'] = '%d new pictures';

// Personal Album Hierarchy Index Table
$lang['Personal_Categories'] = 'Personal Gallery';
$lang['Create_Personal_Categories'] = 'Create Personal Gallery';
$lang['Personal_Cat_Admin'] = 'Personal Gallery Category Admin';
$lang['Recent_Personal_Pics'] = 'Recent Pictures From the Personal Gallery of %s';

// Album Moderator Control Panel
$lang['Modcp_check_all'] = 'Check All';
$lang['Modcp_uncheck_all'] = 'Uncheck All';
$lang['Modcp_inverse_selection'] = 'Inverse Selection';

$lang['Show_selected_pic_view_mode'] = 'Show Only The Selected Personal Gallery Category';
$lang['Show_all_pic_view_mode'] = 'Show All Pictures In this Personal Gallery';

// Access language strings
$lang['Album_Can_Manage_Categories'] = 'You <b>can</b> %smanage%s the categories in the gallery';
$lang['No_Personal_Category_admin'] = 'You are not allowed to manage your personal gallery categories';

// The picture list of a member (album_memberlist.php)
$lang['Pic_Cat'] = 'Category';
$lang['Picture_List_Of_User'] = 'All Pictures by %s';
$lang['Member_Picture_List_Explain'] = 'You can view the complete list of picture contributed by other members by clicking on the link in their profiles';
$lang['Comment_List_Of_User'] = 'All Comments by %s';
$lang['Rating_List_Of_User'] = 'All Ratings by %s';
$lang['Show_All_Pictures_Of_user'] = 'Show All Pictures by %s';
$lang['Show_All_Comments_Of_user'] = 'Show All Comments by %s';
$lang['Show_All_Ratings_Of_user'] = 'Show All Ratings by %s';

// The pictures list
$lang['All_Picture_List_Of_User'] = 'All Pictures';
$lang['All_Comment_List_Of_User'] = 'All Comments';
$lang['All_Rating_List_Of_User'] = 'All Ratings';
$lang['All_Show_All_Pictures_Of_user'] = 'Show All Pictures';
$lang['All_Show_All_Comments_Of_user'] = 'Show All Comments';
$lang['All_Show_All_Ratings_Of_user'] = 'Show All Ratings';

$lang['Not_commented'] = '<i>Not Commented</i>';

// Nuff's Stuff
$lang['Nuff_Click'] = 'Click here to apply Special Effects';
$lang['Nuff_UnClick'] = 'Click here for normal visualization';
$lang['Nuff_Title'] = 'Special Effects';
$lang['Nuff_Explain'] ='Using this page you can apply multiple effects to the pictures.<br />Remember that this is a <i><b>very heavy operation on server CPU load</b></i>, so please do not abuse it. Some effects will automatically resize the output image so to not charge too much server CPU.';
$lang['Nuff_Normal'] = 'Normal Image';
$lang['Nuff_Normal_Explain'] = 'No effects applied';
$lang['Nuff_BW'] = 'Black & White';
$lang['Nuff_BW_Explain'] = 'This effect will transform the image into Black and White';
$lang['Nuff_Sepia'] = 'Sepia Tone';
$lang['Nuff_Sepia_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply sepia toning to the picture';
$lang['Nuff_Flip'] = 'Flip';
$lang['Nuff_Flip_Explain'] = 'Using this function you can flip the image';
$lang['Nuff_Mirror'] = 'Mirror';
$lang['Nuff_Mirror_Explain'] = 'Using this function you can mirror the image';
$lang['Nuff_Flip_H'] = 'Horizontal';
$lang['Nuff_Flip_V'] = 'Vertical';
$lang['Nuff_Rotate'] = 'Picture Rotation (Anti Clockwise)';
$lang['Nuff_Rotate_Explain'] = 'Rotates the images anti clockwise';
$lang['Nuff_Resize'] = 'Resize';
$lang['Nuff_Resize_Explain'] = 'This function is for image resizing';
$lang['Nuff_Resize_W'] = 'Width';
$lang['Nuff_Resize_H'] = 'Height';
$lang['Nuff_Resize_No_Resize'] = 'No Resize';
$lang['Nuff_Watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$lang['Nuff_Watermark_Explain'] = 'Apply a watermark to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Recompress'] = 'Recompress';
$lang['Nuff_Recompress_Explain'] = 'This function can recompress the image';
$lang['Nuff_Alpha'] = 'Alpha';
$lang['Nuff_Alpha_Explain'] = 'This effect will overlay an alpha channel to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Blur'] = 'Blur';
$lang['Nuff_Blur_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply a blur filter to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Pixelate'] = 'Pixelate';
$lang['Nuff_Pixelate_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply a pixelate filter to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Scatter'] = 'Scatter';
$lang['Nuff_Scatter_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply a scatter filter to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Infrared'] = 'Infrared';
$lang['Nuff_Infrared_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply an infrared filter to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Tint'] = 'Tint';
$lang['Nuff_Tint_Explain'] = 'This effect will apply a red tint to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Interlace'] = 'Interlace (Horizontal Lines)';
$lang['Nuff_Interlace_Explain'] = 'This effect will overlay an interlace channel to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Screen'] = 'Screen (Hor Ver Lines)';
$lang['Nuff_Screen_Explain'] = 'This effect will overlay a screen channel to the image';
$lang['Nuff_Stereogram'] = 'Stereogram';
$lang['Nuff_Stereogram_Explain'] = 'This effect will convert the image to a stereogram (BW 16 bit required)';

$lang['Pic_Gallery'] = 'OTF Gallery';
$lang['Select_Pic'] = 'Select Pic';
$lang['Select_Category'] = 'Select Category';

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Extra aktiv medlem
Inlägg: 145
Blev medlem: 2005-09-20 00:05
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Inlägg av houser »

Har någon sett grafiska element till album mod?
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tack på förhand
Janne A.
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